How Do I Create A Sand Jet Perforating Program?
Most of our customers do not have sand jet perforating or cutting experience prior to working with us. We are glad to provide technical support throughout the bidding, planning, and operation of a sand jet perforating or cutting program. In our 17 years of sand jet perforating experience, we have helped our customers execute many different types of jobs in different well types and with different surface equipment and material availabilities. With international customers, workstring availability (coiled tubing, production tubing, drill pipe) differs along with access to different types of pumps and blending set ups. While some type of sand is available almost anywhere, selecting the appropriate sand for a given region is also important to the success of the job. Fluid used in the sand slurry can also vary from one application and one area to another.

Sand Jet Pre-Job Function Test in Africa
As mentioned in previous updates, workstring availability differs from one region to another. The sand jet perforating program will change based on the workstring to be used. Larger ID workstrings like drill pipe have lower frictional pressure loss and often allow more jets to be run in the tool, while coiled tubing might use fewer jets but be able to move more quickly from station to station. Variation in pump units will also shape the perforating program. Higher volume, lower pressure pumps are more well suited to running greater jet quantities in larger workstrings while higher pressure pumps may be more well suited to smaller ID coiled tubing with long spool lengths. Different jet orifice sizes can also be used to achieve a desired perforating phase pattern or density. Sand may be plentiful in supply in some countries while in those with no fracturing, sand may be supplied from other industrial users.

Post Job Function Test In The Middle East
Let our experience help you design the sand jetting program that is right for your well. We routinely offer suggested sand jet perforating procedures for our customers and work with them to maximize available equipment and materials to produce efficient, cost effective perforating or cutting programs. Feel free to contact us to see what we can do for your well.
Thanks to our friends at the

We appreciate the hospitality of the fine people at The Deepwater Technical Symposium that was held at the Hilton Riverside in New Orleans, Louisiana on August 15th and 16th. We had a great time listening to technical papers, looking at exhibits, and presenting our paper. Thanks for the support of the American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE), New Orleans Geological Society (NOGS), and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).
TD Tools has joined with Accu-Line Well Services to author a paper- "Case Study of a Rigless Intervention for the Completion of an Offshore Multi-String Producing Well Using Slimhole Sand Jet Perforating" as a part of the Completions and Intervention Technology session on August the 16th.
Feel Free to Contact Thomas Dotson at tdotson@tdtoolsinc.com for more information.