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Services Overview
TD Tools serves the oil and gas field across the United States and internationally. We design and manufacture dependable and efficient downhole sand jet perforating and cutting tools for pipe recovery, perforating, and fracturing in the Coiled Tubing and Well Service industries and are bringing innovative new products to the market place. TD Tools uses state of the art technology to build tools that economically perforate well casing, cement, and oil bearing formations to assist in oil and gas well production. Milestones to date include the design and manufacture of eight product lines that provide perforating, casing cutting, descaling, cleaning, as well as blending. These products have been successfully used in the field by customers with excellent success. TD Tools’ perforators have long field life and a versatile design that reduces customer costs with a high level of performance.
TD Tools is proud to offer a lease option to our valued customers. Utilizing this leasing model, we feel we are able to establish and strengthen lasting relationships with leading industry service providers, provide assistance and valuable resources to our customers, and prove our success through action around the world.

Since 2007

Meet Our Founder

Thomas Dotson
TD Tools, Inc. Founder/Owner
Thomas Dotson is a design engineer and inventor with twenty plus years of experience in pumping services, tool design, research and development, and consulting. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from Western Kentucky University in Physics. Thomas holds nine U.S. patents, has published three papers on sand jet perforating and cutting with the S.P.E. (one at OTC) and has presented a webinar for SPE on “Sand Jetting Applications Throughout the Life of a Well”. He founded TD Tools, Inc. in 2007 in order to provide sand jet perforating and cutting tools to service companies that previously did not have access to the technology. Product lines have grown from customer feedback and by solving customer problems.
Our Company's Mission
TD Tools is a manufacturer driven by its strong customer service focus. We apply science, technology and cutting edge material developments to our sand jet processes resulting in safe, environmentally sound solutions to client posed perforating and cutting challenges. Our non explosive approach to these challenges result in safer, lower cost solutions that work in harmony with the formation and the environment. It is our goal to meet our clients needs, provide safe, secure employment for our employees, work in concert with the environment and bring value to our shareholders and clientele.